Monday, February 16, 2009

One last post before vacation

Today was all enterprise (or wild art or stand alone) shooting for me today.

I went first to the UA campus where I knew they were taking individual photos for the yearbook.

After that, I went over to the skate park at Walker Park in Fayetteville. I knew the kiddos were out of school for President's Day and it was a nice day outside so I figured I'd find a few folks there. I've done this shot before but due to space limitations, it never got ink on the page. So I wanted to do it again.

This will be my last post for about a week as my girlfriend and I are taking a vacation back to my home state of North Carolina to visit with friends and family (and introduce her to all of them).


Marc F. Henning said...

have a good time on your vacation Jason.

Cameron Magee said...


That. Skate. Shadow. Is. Awesome.

I hope it goes to print this time. :D VERY nice work.

I love it, very cool.

Tracie Faust said...

fuck! i'm going to miss you, then. I leave next tuesday. Guess you'll still be gone?

Come to Colorado sometime...