Monday, January 26, 2009

Packing in three days worth of photos

So here's a quick rundown of the last three days of work.

Saturday: This was a BUSY day of shooting. I started off outside the UA football stadium where Razorback athletes were loading boxes of Tyson Foods products into vehicles for various hunger relief agencies based in NWA.

After that I went over to the Fayetteville Public Library for their annual Chinese New Year event. During the event, however, they decided to unveil their new -- currently unnamed -- dragon mascot.

Then it was back to campus where a group called Dance Coalition was hosting a dance clinic inside the HPER Building.

Finished off the day with the Razorback Invitational indoor track meet.

Sunday: I spent most of the day looking everywhere for some enterprise art. Finally had to bail to shoot my only assignment -- indoor women's tennis. The Razorbacks' top doubles team is ranked 8th nationally and I needed to shoot them playing Tulsa. Unfortunately, my hopes for having happy tennis players winning was buried in the net when they lost in a tie-breaker.

I was able to pull some enterprise by finding this mother/daughter scooting and walking along a sidewalk at Walker Park in Fayetteville.

Monday: We had some icy weather move in to the region, so I began at the Springdale Public Works to get the dirt trucks being loaded for action.

I went from there to the Springdale Public Library to gather some enterprise art.

Finally, I got word of Fayetteville Public Schools dismissing their students early due to the inclement weather, so I hurried over to Owl Creek School to get the ever-so-popular generic shots of students loading onto the buses for early dismissal.


Unknown said...

I really enjoy the 4th photo down.

Cameron Magee said...

I like what you didn't show of the tractor.