Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Falling Behind Again

So, I'm packing three days worth of photos into one post again. I'll try to break down each day without boring you too much.

Sunday is comprised of the first two frames. The first is from a production of Alice in Wonderland at the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks in Fayetteville. And the latter is a step/dance team at First Baptist Church in Springdale practicing for an upcoming performance.

Monday is filled by next five frames. First, after a little tracking, I chased down some Springdale Police officers carrying the torch for the Special Olympics. Next after that, I covered a fire heard over the scanner that turned out to be nothing much at all. Next, you'll see a couple portraits followed finally by the Naturals hosting the Tulsa Drillers. A little side note to the Naturals game: playing second base for Tulsa was Rex Rundgren (not pictured) who used to play shortstop for the Carolina Mudcats who I used to cover back in N.C. Fun fact: Rex is Todd Rundgren's son and Liv Tyler's half-brother.

And finally Tuesday is represented by the last frames. I started off the day chasing down a "fully involved" structure fire in the Wheeler community. However, it was mostly doused by the time I arrived. After that, I went to shoot an advance story -- I'll definitely be posting that later as it's rather different. And the final two frames are some enterprise art; both of which are rather self-explanatory.

1 comment:

Ben Bipes said...

Something I've thought you need to catch more often, as I have friends in Tennessee that go all the time: kayaking! Let's see some action shots of falls and big runs! Nice work, as always, my friend!