Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hold Fish Here

Started off the day joining a plants in history tour at the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks. Unfortunately, reporter Evie Blad and myself accounted for half the tour group -- not counting the infant. However, it was interesting to be introduced to a plant that after rubbing the leaves, your fingers smell like peanut butter (really wish I could remember what the plant was).

Later in the afternoon, I headed up to Rogers and the John Q. Hammons Center for the daily weigh-in for the FLW professional fishing tour. I know I covered this last year but I'm still overwhelmed at the production value that goes into these shows.

And finally on the evening I revisited my good friends, the Naturals, as they hosted Springfield for the last game of the series.

1 comment:

Andy Shupe said...

It's sad, but the biggest fish that I ever caught pales in comparison to what these dudes catch daily.