Friday, July 25, 2008

Birthday work

Today was a good day.

I started off shooting some Fayetteville firefighters collecting money in boots along Joyce Blvd for the MDA. These guys were fun to hang out with. Even if I did have concerns about standing in the middle of a busy street. At least these guys have emergency training, so if I were to get hit, I'd be in good hands.

Then I spent WAAAAAAY too long outside a Wal-Mart with Shupe waiting on donations for the "Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive" - a program provided by the United Way to take donated school supplies for needy families. And this art was so bad that I'm not even posting it on here.

Finally I was back with my Nats. First game of the series with the Springfield Cardinals. The game got started a little late and seemed to run a little long (even for baseball standards). Didn't really get any good shots from the game but after moving photos the night was given a great ending. Sarah from the Morning News treated me to a birthday beer and we set back and watched the rest of the game from a fan's perspective - complete with post-game fireworks. And now that I know you read this blog as well ... thanks, Sarah for setting all that up for my birthday! ;)

Oh and one more photo just for Zac. Today was actually Strike's birthday as well (at least they're going with it) so Strike finally got to win the race around the bases - against several cows from Chik-Fil-A.


Andy Shupe said...

Not a bad birthday deal, indeed. Hope you had a happy one.

amelia phillips hale said...

Happy belated Birthday!