Saturday, July 26, 2008

I propose we change shorts

Started off the day shooting some wild art. I went to Shiloh Museum in Springdale where I read that there was a Civil War demonstration of some sort going on. Found a decent shot of the a historian teaching kids how to load a muzzle-loader cannon. Start 'em young on the warfare is what I always say.

And then later it was off to...anyone, anyone? If you said the Naturals game, you win! Got a couple reasonable frames and got out of there by the seventh inning.

And last, but certainly not least in this post... Guys, if you decide to propose to a girl (ESPECIALLY if you do it in front of thousands watching), please be sure to wear your GOOD shorts.


Marc F. Henning said...

my mother-in-law calls that "ready to fight." :-)

haven't seen you since i got back man. guess i'll see ya once football gets going.

Andy Shupe said...

I think I can see his cash and prizes... yuck

Ben Bipes said...

Good'ol Arkansas baseball fans - awesome.

"Bay-bee, I luvs you."

Nice work, though with the cannon shot.