Friday, April 4, 2008


Well, the title of this post says it all for today. Spring football practice kicked off yesterday (pun definitely intended) and I was sent to cover it today. But more on that later in the post.

I started out today early afternoon at the physics department on the UA campus. They're celebrating their centennial and in doing so, they unveiled a statue. This, however, is not really a statue by most definitions. It's audiokinetic and called "Odyssey of the Spheres." OK, in layman terms, it uses kinetic energy and also makes sounds. To explain it a little more, multiple solid balls travel through a course of twists and turns and vary their course to a couple pendulums. I guess to explain it a little more, it's like the old game "Mouse Trap" on crack. Anywhoo, I could sit and watch this thing for hours (much like the kid pictured).

Next I went to the second day of spring football practice. Football is without a doubt my favorite sport to cover. I do, however, prefer shooting outdoors as opposed to the horrible lighting conditions of the Hogs' indoor practice facility. But nonetheless, I was thrilled to see the pigskin through my lens again.

And to finish off the day, it was another venture to Baum Stadium for baseball. Yeah, from my favorite sport to shoot to my least favorite sport to shoot OR watch. But shooting went pretty OK, I suppose. I got some decent art that I was at least satisfied with. The Diamond Hogs lost 5-2 to Auburn. And I get to watch 'em again on Sunday. The last photo is courtesy of Andy Shupe and shows how much enthusiasm I have for the sport. Thanks, Shupe!


Andy Shupe said...

Don't hate on America's pastime, dude. They have dancing girls for you...

Ben Bipes said...

I see you enjoying baseball like I do.

Go my favorite sports team! Win, soundly, in the skermish.