Monday, November 24, 2008

Solo shooter

Well the other photographer who works with me on Mondays took today off so that left me as the lone shooter on the ADG team (for our office, of course).

Only had one assignment today and that was for Profiles section which meant I was wild-art hunting for the B section. Fortunately, my photo editor had a few things lined up for me, so what could have been a bitch of day actually ran rather smooth.

So the first and only assignment was a portrait for our Profiles section.

Following that fun, I moved over to the Fayetteville Library in hopes of finding something fun.

Today was the last day of early voting for our run-off elections so I went over the Washington County Courthouse. Boring photo, I know.

And finally, I went to First Baptist Church of Springdale for their annual Blessing Basket give-away for Thanksgiving.


Melissa said...

who's the person in the second photo reading to the kid?

Z-Man said...

That is Peggy Treiber, formerly of The Morning News

Melissa said...

thought it was her