Sunday, March 9, 2008

Easter Eggs, slides and wrecking

Today was quite an eventful day pour moi.

I started out doing a little wild-art hunting. OK, I'll be honest; I didn't do a LOT of hunting. I ended up finding this little girl and her parents playing on the playground at Lake Fayetteville (it's only about 2 miles from home).

Later I was off to my first (and only) assignment on the day - an Easter egg hunt at the Fayetteville Boys & Girls Club. Yes, that's right; I said EASTER egg. According to my calendar, Easter is still two weeks away. But I digress. This thing was a mad house! There's what seems to be about 1000 kids there running frantically about in a 20-yard by 20-yard area grabbing as many candy-filled plastic eggs as their little bags/baskets can carry.

Afterwards, I headed back to the office to do all my editing/photo-moving and be finished for the day. WRONG! As soon as I'm about to pack up my laptop and head home, a call comes over the scanner for a two-vehicle accident in Hindsville (which I now know is about a 40-minute drive from our office). I got there after most was cleared up, but I was able to get a couple not-so-horrible frames from the scene.


Marc F. Henning said...

dig the Easter egg hunt shot. that's a load of crap having to go that far for an MVA. there's no way you can get to Hindsville in a timely manner.

ivester said...

Thanks, dude. In respect to my editor, it was a pretty bad wreck.

Andy Shupe said...

We heard the call on the scanner - part of our duty is to cover that area for both papers - and debated calling but after it sounded like the kids or kid might die, we called. Sorry for the long drive, but it was a bad one.