Saturday, March 22, 2008

Three things at the same time

Today wasn't a long day. It was just a jam-packed day.

I had three assignments. And three assignments isn't much...unless of course they all three start at the same time. Here was my schedule: 11:00a.m.-UA vs. Tennessee in softball starts; 11:00a.m.-Easter Feed; 12:00p.m.-Trail of Tears tour.

So I went to softball first and shot there until 12:00. Didn't really get anything worth anything out of this game. Afterwards, I drove over to the Easter Feed (which was really only a couple miles down the road). The Easter Feed is in its 15th year. The M & N Augustine Foundation cooks a bunch of food for the needy and serves (obviously free) throughout the lunch time. I was told they served over 4000 today. Pretty impressive and altruistic.

I didn't stay at the Easter Feed very long at all because I had to hurry over to the Fayetteville Public Library (again only a couple miles away) before the walking tour of the Trail of Tears left for their...well, walking tour.

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